A tear rolled down and I wonder how I lost in it,
One moment I hoped the other I drowned in it.
Down the road, I see a woman with bleeding eyes,
Call her a mother or a lover I can’t decide.
Lost herself she looks at me like her son,
I see there are no battles for her left to be won.
Her silence said it all, all the realities of pain,
Staring at the sky she waits for the sun to rise again.
A sweet pain just gushed through my heart,
In a moment my whole life was torn apart.
As I looked deeper, I began unfolding her pain,
Her eyes lost in me looking for a way in vain.
Breathing heavily I whispered to my lord "Not Fair",
Did he actually hear wondering I stood there.
The breeze blew with a soft tune in her ears,
She smiled as if she had overcome all her fears.
Still looking at me, a tear rolled down her face,
I wanted to move but we were on different ways.
Did I feel the pain, even for a moment, her way?
I looked towards my lord, "What a beautiful Day".